Biografoplevelser 1999
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Story of Us Playing by Heart The Insider East is East American Beauty Bowfinger Kun skyer bevæger stjernerne The World is Not Enough The World is Not Enough The World is not Enough The Blair Witch Project Never Been Kissed Surprise film End of Days La Vita é Bella Random Hearts Tarzan (original) Blue Streak L' Appartement A Midsummer Night's Dream Sofies Verden L' Appartement Surprise film The War Zone - I Familiens Hjerte Fight Club Klinkevals Surprise film L' Appartement Astérix et Obélix contre César Astérix et Obélix contre César Kærlighed ved først hik Eyes Wide Shut Big Daddy Hurlyburly Deep Blue sea The Haunting Surprise film Simply Irresistible Eyes Wide Shut Central do Brasil Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Runaway Bride I Kina spiser de hunde Surprise film Bornholms stemme The Thomas Crown Affair Cookies Fortune Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Under solen 10 Things I Hate About You The Out-of-Towners Surprise film Analyze This EDtv Bleeder Cruel Intentions Arlington Road Wild Wild West Notting Hill Virtual Sexuality Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace M12 O Gur She's All That Besat The Nephew The Mummy A Simple Plan Pleasantville Lola Rennt Entrapment Surprise film Entrapment Forces of Nature Very Bad Things Pizza King The Matrix Surprise film The Waterboy Titanic Message in a Bottle Little Voice Den eneste ene Surprise film Den eneste ene Patch Adams La Vita é Bella La Vita é Bella Shakespeare In Love 8MM Surprise film Ronin Mifunes sidste sang Pleasantville Payback Practical Magic Patch Adams Shakespeare In Love The Thin Red Line American Histori X Rounders La Vita é Bella You've Got Mail A Bugs Life The Siege Meet Joe Black Rush Hour Surprise film Meet Joe Black You've Got Mail Stepmom Psycho The Mighty Under overfladen I Still Know What You Did Last Summer The Prince of Egypt Surprise film Enemy of the State Olsen-bandens sidste stik Taxi
12.30 12.30 12.29 12.28 12.27 12.26 12.18 12.10 12.10 12.09 12.02 11.27 11.25 11.24 11.21 11.19 11.15 11.12 11.11 11.08 11.07 11.06 11.05 11.04 10.29 10.29 10.28 10.28 10.25 10.15 10.15 10.12 10.10 10.09 10.08 10.01 09.30 09.29 09.24 09.23 09.17 09.10 09.07 09.03 09.03 08.27 08.21 08.19 08.17 08.13 08.13 08.06 08.06 08.06 08.06 08.01 07.31 07.30 07.26 07.21 07.21 07.12 06.25 06.25 06.25 06.24 06.19 06.12 06.12 06.09 06.04 06.03 05.31 05.14 05.13 05.10 05.07 05.07 04.30 04.23 04.17 04.09 04.02 04.01 03.30 03.28 03.14 03.11 03.09 03.05 03.04 03.04 03.03 03.02 02.28 02.27 02.26 02.26 02.25 02.24 02.23 02.22 02.20 02.19 02.11 02.08 02.05 02.05 01.29 01.23 01.22 01.21 01.17 01.15 01.14 01.08 01.08 01.04 01.03
Dagmar Teatret Palladium Dagmar Teatret Dagmar Teatret Dagmar Teatret Gladsaxe Bio Grand Teatret Imperial Imperial Gladsaxe Bio Grand Teatret Palads BioCity, Tåstrup Imperial Vester Vov Vov Gladsaxe Bio Imperial Palads Gloria Palads Grand Teatret Gloria Scala Gloria Imperial Imperial BioCity, Tåstrup Gloria Gladsaxe Bio Imperial Gladsaxe Bio Dagmar Teatret Gladsaxe Bio Gloria Scala Imperial BioCity, Tåstrup Palads Palladium Grand Teatret Imperial Palladium Palads Scala Dagmar Teatret Palladium Dagmar Teatret Imperial Gladsaxe Bio Scala Palads Scala Palladium Palads Dagmar Teatret Palads Palads Imperial Imperial West End, London Odeon, London Colombo, Lisabon Palads Palads Palladium Imperial Palladium Dagmar Teatret Dagmar Teatret Gladsaxe Bio Scala Imperial Palads Palads Gladsaxe Bio Imperial Scala Palads Imperial Palladium Gladsaxe Bio Gladsaxe Bio Scala Palladium Imperial Dagmar Teatret Dagmar Teatret Palladium Palads Scala Imperial Gladsaxe Bio Dagmar Teatret Imperial Palads Palads Palladium Imperial Gladsaxe Bio Palads Gladsaxe Bio Palladium Imperial Palads Imperial Palads Scala Imperial Palladium Palladium Palads Palads Gladsaxe Bio Palads Palads Scala Imperial Palads Scala